Lentil, brown rice, green beans, tofu and tomato salad

Rice and lentils combined make this vegetarian dish a perfect source of protein, and the added tofu and vegetables, turn it into a really healthy and filling but low calorie recipe.


  • 50 g puy lentils

  • 50 g brown rice

  • ½ courgette, sliced into 0.5 cm rounds

  • 5 cherry tomatoes, chopped into small pieces

  • 75 g green beans, cut in half

  • 2 tbs firm tofu, cut into small pieces

  • 1 bay leaf

  • ½  onion, finely chopped

  • 1 clove garlic

  • 1 tbs light olive oil 

  • 1 tbsp sherry vinegar

  • Spanish pimentón (paprika)

  • Salt and pepper

Cook the lentils with the bay leaf following packet instructions, taking care not to overcook them.  When they are ready, drain and rinse with cold water. 

Meanwhile, in a separate pot, cook the rice and set aside. 

Prepare the vegetables - Slice the courgette, chop the tails of the beans and cut in half. Chop the cherry tomatoes into small pieces. 

Grill the courgette rounds on a thick bottom pan with very little oil. Steam the beans. Set aside. 

Stir fry the chopped onions and garlic and when soft add the lentils, turning them to coat them with the oil. Add the vinegar, paprika, salt and pepper and cook everything for a few minutes on a low heat. 

Remove from the pan and brown the pieces of tofu to brown it slightly.

Serve by layering ingredients in a nice round shape having the courgettes first, topped by the rice, then the lentils, and the beans, finishing with the tomatoes, and tofu. Season to taste.


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